Nieder - Kinzig

According to the archives of the Hessian State Chancellery, the city recorded 1408 first mentioned, were the words of Ortsvorstehers Joerg Seifert. Meantime, it should also church records Lorsch of the monastery, where an enclave in the year 1232 under the name "Kinzigtal" is designated, as it is in the low-Kinziger own book. It will not avoid the fact that the local council further research the right birth certificate in the coming weeks operates so that the citizens a true anniversary celebration in 2008.
Die geographische Lage ist: The current situation is:

49° 45´16 NORD 49 ° 45'16 NORTH

8° 58´32 OST 8 ° 58'32 EAST

ca: 200 Meter über NN ca: 200 meters above sea level
